About Me

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Welcome to 22 Revisions - a blog documenting what I do at work and in life... I’m Sacha and I’ve been in the advertising business for 22 years. In the summer of 2008, I moved my family from Cambridge to a little city north of Toronto called Peterborough to work at an advertising agency called BrandHealth. It has been challenging and unpredictable but the most important revision I have ever made. I am definitely not the most dedicated blogger, nor the most interesting person that has blogged but I hope my sporadic blogs provide some insights into this amazing city, company, industry and people I work with...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

we nede A proof reeder.

This is our latest billboard on the 115, heading towards Peterborough. 

The ideal candidate will have experience working in an advertising agency, marketing department or public relations firm. You must possess excellent writing and grammatical skills. Experience in Healthcare and the ability to proof and edit in English and French is an asset. If you are ready to work with some of the best brands, clients and mentors in the industry we want to hear from you.

Purpose of Position:
• Proofreading and copy editing all documents, letters, DVDs and presentations of the company before presenting to clients, before regulatory submissions, and prior to and after layout in studio
• Proofreading all subsequent copy changes
• Proofreading all layouts and subsequent changes made to them
• Making corrections to all copy documents and clearly track all changes
• Proofreading all French translations before text is flowed into layout
• Comparing English copy to French translation for accuracy of language and to make sure copy has not been missed
• Making sure copy changes to English are reflected in French
• Creating copy documents as required
• Copyediting all of the above and provide suggestions for improvement where appropriate
• Communicating with translators as required
• Communicating with copywriters as required


Proofreading assures the accuracy of the documents, advertisements, DVDs, Power Point presentations, etc. produced by BrandHealth. Proofreading includes checking for correct spelling, trademark symbols, reference and cross-reference ordering, symbol usage and logo usage/placement. It also includes looking for typographical errors, copy/paste errors, correct layout alignment and breaks. A proofreader must also compare French to English copy and layouts to make sure they match.

Copyediting assures the quality, clarity and accuracy of the copy produced by BrandHealth, the client and the copywriters (in-house or freelance). This includes editing for grammar, spelling and punctuation, checking for consistency (language and facts). In situations where translation of copy is required, a bilingual copy editor compares the accuracy of French translations to original English copy.

If you or someone you know might be interested in applying, please forward a cover letter and CV to

Good luck!! 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another BH thank you lunch? You betcha

I know I compliment everyone every chance I get, for the work that you do here at BrandHealth, but there is so much more that we – your managers - and the partners are thankful for that isn’t printed, programmed, proofed or presented. (Ooohhhh, I think I feel a list coming on...) 

3 things that BHers do that we are thankful for

Thank you for all your sacrifices. Taking personal time away from friends and family to get the job done, on time and done well. I know it is not always easy to do and as your manager I will always do what I can to work around your lives. But, when you do make that decision to put work first, we know it is a big sacrifice and we are so very appreciative.

Thank you for always pushing beyond your limits whether it is creatively or strategically, mentally or physically. We all have our limits and there are many times we are exhausted. Yet time and time again I see you reach beyond and bring more and more to the team. I see you stepping up to help others when you yourself are already carrying a heavy workload. We know BrandHealth standards are high but you never fail to meet them. Your dedication goes beyond what most jobs call for and what most people are capable of but we want you to know it does not go unnoticed.

Thank you for being smart, talented, fun, honest, caring and passionate people. Our days are filled with tight deadlines and stressful situations but you make it such a pleasure to work here. Without you this company wouldn’t be as successful as it is. As a manager I can’t begin to tell you what a privilege it is to work with such a talented and dedicated group of people. Please don’t think I don’t appreciate every minute dedicated to meeting our clients’ demands. To your friends and family, I can’t possibly expect them to understand why you are working on the weekend or coming home in the wee hours of the night. But, please give them a big thank you too!

On behalf of management at BrandHealth, this lunch was to all the great people who worked on making our clients’ National Sales Meetings a big success. ANOTHER thank you lunch? Yes. Honestly, we just don’t think we can thank everyone enough. This lunch was dedicated to you. Thank you... Wings and beer!! Cheers!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My personal infographic

Create your own info graphics  http://www.ionz.com.br/index.html

They built an info graph that is a simplified map of my personality and represents my relation in the universe of people that have also participated. 
Answer nine questions and ionz will create your own Personal Infograph, showing how you compare to everyone else who has also answered the questions. You can then personalize your infograph by changing the colors, adding a personal message, change the layout, change the background color and add a picture. Then you can save the image as your wallpaper. Fun!

'Are you happy?' infographic

Could finding happiness be this easy??? In an infographic it is!

Agency-related infographics

Some concepts need an infographic to communicate it's point. I found a couple agency-related infographics that may come in very handy with clients :)

Information is beautiful

Information, especially complex information, can be overwhelming and often not communicated if presented incorrectly. Infographics is the art of taking complex information organizing it and designing it to be understood quickly, clearly and aesthetically. If you don’t know anything about infographics I will introduce you to some great examples I’ve found online. In fact, I’ve found so many great infographics I will have to do it with a few blogs. Showing you that by creating an infographic you can make complex information beautiful, comprehensive and memorable. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mmmm... pancakes!

Whether you observe Lent or not, what better day to whip up a batch of yummy pancakes than, well, Pancake Tuesday?

Pancakes make for a great morning. And, it’s a good sign when you don’t blow a fuse! I think BrandHealth should start everyday like this. All you can eat pancakes with your choice of apple compote, fresh fruit, real maple syrup, fake syrup and whip cream.

Thank you to Mark for his splendid photos! Thank you to our organizers and flippers – Kendra, Tracy, Christine, and Mike, directed by our in-house pancake expert, Chris. (Paul, you and your homemade waffles were missed!) We thought we would keep it simple with just pancakes à la Aunt Jemima. And, I think that worked out just fine. The apple compote I made went over really well... Well, everyone ‘said’ they liked it. Lol - thank you.

As I sat with Randi, Deanna, Diana and Sarah to eat my pancakes, I couldn’t help but think how uniquely, wonderful BrandHealth is as a company. We are fortunate to call each other not just co-workers, but friends too. On behalf of everyone at BrandHealth a big thank you to the partners for again supporting, encouraging and participating in these events. I know how much behind the scenes work it takes and it would probably be easier to not do it at all. But, that is never an option. For that I am grateful. It’s what fuels my dedication to this company. I will never take for granted all the appreciation you show us - your employees - and I know you don’t see us ‘as employees’ which is a big part of why BrandHealth is such a special place to work.

So! By my calculations... About 6 dozen pancakes + 4 Litres of Nata’s coffee + 3 jugs of juice + 3 cups of apple compote + 4 bowls of strawberries and bananas + 2 cans of whip cream + 2 litres of syrup + one pound of butter = 20 happy Brandhealth tummies!

To the few BHers that missed it, here are the pics... Sorry, no leftovers!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Baking my way through advertising

My dreams of opening a bakery/flower shop may have to wait. I don't have any plans to quit my advertising job anytime soon. But, I love to bake. What's a girl to do? Hmmm, perhaps I can bake for the people I work for? Spending my Sunday, well at least an hour, making apple compote for our Pancake Tuesday staff breakfast. I've never made this before. I hope it tastes as good as it looks!!

The recipe is simple: apples, sugar and cinnamon. Cook over a low heat for about 30 minutes. Voilà!

Friday, March 4, 2011

A snazzy little package design

A few weeks ago, I noticed these great little package wrappers that were designed for one of our clients. We don't often get a chance to work on package design at BrandHealth, so it was nice to see this opportunity come across Graeme's desk. It's simplicity, typography and bold use of colour is beautiful. Graeme - I can tell you have an inner package designer dying to get out! Great job and here are a few words from Lynne too... 

"For the GSK NSM BH was asked to provide gifts enclosed in a branded “wrapper” for the sales force as a thank you for their work in the field and to add some momentum to the meeting room. Based on the gift chosen (iPad cleansing kits), Graeme came up with a great design and effective way of wrapping the kits. They looked awesome in the meeting room and the reps and marketing team loved them. Thanks to Graeme for providing such an awesome design and for pulling all of this together!" – Lynne