About Me

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Welcome to 22 Revisions - a blog documenting what I do at work and in life... I’m Sacha and I’ve been in the advertising business for 22 years. In the summer of 2008, I moved my family from Cambridge to a little city north of Toronto called Peterborough to work at an advertising agency called BrandHealth. It has been challenging and unpredictable but the most important revision I have ever made. I am definitely not the most dedicated blogger, nor the most interesting person that has blogged but I hope my sporadic blogs provide some insights into this amazing city, company, industry and people I work with...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Answer to the river crossing puzzle

The original question is here... http://brandhealthacd.blogspot.com/2011/02/river-crossing-puzzle.html

Randi, just reminded me to post this answer. So here is it...

First you take the goat over leaving the wolf and the cabbage behind. You travel back and get the wolf. When you drop the wolf off you take the goat back with you. Drop the goat off and pick up the cabbage and take the cabbage to the other side with the wolf. Then go back for the goat. Clear as mud?

Do you need me to draw a picture, Randi? Let me know!

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