About Me

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Welcome to 22 Revisions - a blog documenting what I do at work and in life... I’m Sacha and I’ve been in the advertising business for 22 years. In the summer of 2008, I moved my family from Cambridge to a little city north of Toronto called Peterborough to work at an advertising agency called BrandHealth. It has been challenging and unpredictable but the most important revision I have ever made. I am definitely not the most dedicated blogger, nor the most interesting person that has blogged but I hope my sporadic blogs provide some insights into this amazing city, company, industry and people I work with...

Monday, February 14, 2011

The candy jar

At work, I have a candy jar sitting on my desk. It started two years ago, when my best friend Christine sent me a care package on Valentine’s Day. It was this candy jar filled with cinnamon hearts. She knew how much I loved cinnamon hearts and every year since I have kept the tradition alive. But, one cannot live on cinnamon hearts alone. Nooo. The jar has seen caramels, lollipops, Big Turks, candy canes, a mish mash of Halloween candy... and when I fill it with chocolate covered peanut M&M’s – watch out – that jar gets more traffic than Google!

Over the past two years, I have observed the office candy consumers (you know who you are). Do you think it’s weird that I’ve dedicated a blog to my candy jar... Seems perfectly normal to me! Anyways, I found in my research that there are five main groups. Could this be you?? Smiles!

The socializer
You check in, catch up on office shenanigans while popping a few pieces. I know it’s not really the candy you’re seeking. It’s MY company and stimulating conversation. I completely understand and I’m flattered.

The sweet toother
You cannot resist the candy jar, you practically sleepwalk to the jar every day. Your body physically needs the sugar to get through the day. It becomes a habit and you go through the worse withdrawal when the candy jar is empty. I can see it on your face. Sometimes you get a little angry. And, it’s usually the reason I run out to get more candy.

The stress munch
You really are elusive. I don’t see you as much as the others and maybe you wait till I leave my desk. But, when deadlines loom, you grab fistfuls of sugar to calm your nerves. You just need a little pick me up and I’m glad to help. Whatever it takes to get the job done.

The drive by snatcher
You don't miss a beat walking by and grabbing a handful as you continue merrily along. My friend Suzanne brought my attention to this one. I can't say we have too many like this around our office but it is definitely a group I left out. You're welcome!

The candy jar keep
This is mainly me. I maintain the jar. It’s my job, and it's stocked with my favorites. Proximity means I indulge often and unconsciously from morning till night. But, sometimes I have secret candy keepers who drop off bags of candy by my desk for me to put in the jar. It’s usually their favourites and I suspect it’s coming from the sweet toothers ;) We all thank you!

The guilty ea
You don’t know why you're nibbling—whether it's all of the above or hunger or boredom— but, you stand by the bowl staring longingly and when you finally cave in... you justify and apologize for every piece. I am the devil to you, calling you over to the dark side. “It’s okay,” I say... “you deserve a little sweet treat.” Blame me, honestly, I can take it.

For the health of everyone at BrandHealth and the health of my bank account (I’ve been known to spend over $50 on candy in one week), I don’t always keep the candy jar full. It goes through dormant periods and I apologize for every day it’s empty. We love our candy. And, trust me it will not be empty today... Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, come and get it!!

Of course everyone knows what THE best thing about Valentine’s Day is... The chocolate sales the week after! ;)

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