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Welcome to 22 Revisions - a blog documenting what I do at work and in life... I’m Sacha and I’ve been in the advertising business for 22 years. In the summer of 2008, I moved my family from Cambridge to a little city north of Toronto called Peterborough to work at an advertising agency called BrandHealth. It has been challenging and unpredictable but the most important revision I have ever made. I am definitely not the most dedicated blogger, nor the most interesting person that has blogged but I hope my sporadic blogs provide some insights into this amazing city, company, industry and people I work with...

Friday, January 7, 2011

This is Paul. This is Paul's cast.

Paul is our very talented illustrator/designer here at BrandHealth. A couple nights ago at 3 a.m., as I was sending out my 'not-going-to-be-in-the-office-because-I'm-sick' email, I received an email from Paul that he was in the hospital with a hairline fracture to his fibula. 

Now, the BrandHealth studio is no stranger to designers being injured. There was my head injury from falling off a horse, not to be compared to Mike’s concussion from getting a headbutt in soccer or Spencer’s tumble off his bike. Randi beats us all with her broken ankle from a horse AND head injury from a recent car accident. We can add to the BrandHealth casualty list - Paul’s hairline fracture from... Ummm, walking up the stairs? I have no doubt it was a very dramatic and manly break, I can’t wait to hear it.

Paul – you know we love to kid you, but take it easy on those stairs ok? I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you but honestly, I can’t wait till you get a hard cast so we can all draw on it. Speedy recovery!!

To all our clients, due to the popularity of designers injuring themselves, we do have contingency plans in place. Never a dull moment at BrandHealth. What a start to the year!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for Creatives to have their day on my cast...I'm gonna have to put that sock thing Kate gave me to censure it all. haha

    Thanks for the post Sacha! And yes...it was from running up the stairs not walking so there was a bit of sport involved haha
